Earn points
for each purchase

The loyalty program for
the best breakfast in Puerto Vallarta
Earn points
for each purchase

Exclusive benefits

For every 20 MXN you spend and enjoy with us, you will get 1 Tucán Peso.

Earn 1 Tucan Peso by spending 20 MXN at the restaurant.

Get 5% off with your digital card

Get the best deals just for you and your family

We reward your loyalty with surprises every day

Access and enjoy our exclusive products

You will be the first to know about all our news

You will have discounts and special promotions daily

Become part of our family as a distinguished member

Tucan Rewards

How does it work?

  • Enter our app and register all your info
  • All your orders add up to Tucan pesos.
  • Don't forget to have your PIN when you place an order.
  • Does not apply to physical visits within the restaurants
Tucan Rewards

How do I redeem my Tucan Pesos?

  • Use your tucan pesos to pay within the App.
  • With your loyalty card you get a 5% discount on all your orders.

Best breakfast in Puerto Vallarta and Nayarit?

Los desayunos más famosos de Puerto Vallarta